Free And Clear: Tips For Energy Cleansing Your Home Office Space

Having a home office is an excellent opportunity to be productive and remain in the comfort of your home while working. For a truly productive space, you'll want the energy within to be as clear of negativity as possible. Creating a cleansed workspace will help improve your focus and overall mood whenever you are hard at work so a home and office energy clearing will definitely be in order. Read ahead for some tips on what to keep in mind before, during, and after the energy clearing process.

Before You Cleanse, Clean

Negative energy abounds in places that are physically cluttered. For this reason, you'll still need to put in some elbow grease to get the area truly clean in all aspects. This means physically cleaning the room before you perform your energy cleansing. Tackle those dust bunnies, give your walls a wipe down and organize any paperwork to ensure your workspace is as productive as possible. Before you begin your ritual, gather and prep the supplies you will need. This will ensure that the clearing ritual is not interrupted in any way and all the right tools will be readily available. 

State Your Intention

Words may or may not be included in your clearing ritual, but your intention should always be stated in some form. Speak aloud or imagine what you would like the clearing ritual to mean to you. Whether you'd like a flow of constant creative inspiration or you'd like the area to feel as tranquil as possible, imagine in your mind the final desired result. Since this is a home workspace, picture yourself busy at work in this space and speak the intention of removing negative energy from the space. This process can be strictly visual, or you can also use helpful cleansing tools including a burning sage stick, incense, or music. Remember that the cleansing ritual itself is all about the intention behind it, so try to focus as much of that intention into every action you perform. 

Keep the Peace

Once you perform your clearing ritual, there are a few ways that you can help the flow of energy in your workspace remain clear. Sprinkle salt in the corners of the room, hang a crystal prism in your window, and light a reiki-infused candle near your workspace. Regularly visualize a swirl of positive energy around your workspace and as you work to feel a burst of productivity when you need it most. If at any point you feel you need to perform another clearing ritual, go for it! There is truly no limit to how often you need to do this so just go with your instincts. Above all, remember that your subsequent clearing rituals may not be as intensive as your first, but they should still result in you feeling more comfortable in your workspace. 
